Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Search engine optimization for GDI

By the end of the second month I was building my website for my .ws domain name. Also I was sharing information throughout my social media accounts, I was telling others around me and I was advertising on the internet with free advertise websites and also Google Adwords. I had fifty sign ups a month. No I’m kidding, I had zero sign ups. I was getting frustrated and overlooked what I was doing. I was working hard but maybe I had to focus on one thing at a time. 

I read an article about internet marketing witch caught my attention. Internet marketing is about having a website and earning money with it. I had a website. Why wasn’t I earning money with it? Simple, I had no visitors. How could I get visitors to my website? That’s where it got interesting. I seems to be possible to make sure Google finds your website and it also seems to be possible to get your website on the first page where a lot of visitors are coming daily. This was the moment I started to how I could make money with Global Domains International. I had to build a website and I had to get it to the first page in Google. That way a lot of people would find my website and possibly sign up. The possibility that they would actually sign up was pretty big because people only find your website when they are looking for information about that exact subject. Otherwise they wouldn’t use those keywords or search phrases that would give them the search results that your website is in. 

The way to get your website high in the search results takes some time and effort. Search engine optimization is the profession that is al about building websites just like Google would like to see them. Also it describes what else is important to make a website rank high. So called backlinks seem to be important. I’ve spent a lot of time figuring out what search engine optimization was all about and I started to use it for my own website. The results where fantastic. In les than a month my website appeared in the second page. Then a new challenge can up because reaching the second page was a lot easier than going to the first page.

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